Great Permutator Changelog

- added colorblind modes
- added shortcuts (people with german keyboards can swap Z and Y in options)
- added new leaderboard
- added easter egg
- changed options screen
- changed challenge 3000 -> challenge 2900
- fixed bug with black box 4
- fixed losing saves if the game crashed on the first launch
- fixed bug with loading trigger's state
- fixed bug: local statistics didn't update when you've found solution better than global one

- fixed bug with triple crash achievement
- now Esc will follow you to previous pages instead of the permoment Exit
- fixed crash if server requests you to prove you are not bot
- now Logs store only the last run of the game
- added icon in window caption for Windows
- returned redists to distribution package

- fully rewritten the net code
- added global statistics system
note: we anonymously grab in-game data only - your stats and solutions
- added challenge 3000
- fixed bug with deleting profiles
- added Steam acheivements support (for Sream version)
- demo build for v1.17 (the previous one was for v1.0 with DirectX support)
- changed code for building the main menu
- added .sh scripts (for Linux version)
- fixed some fullscreen bugs for Linux and Mac

- fixed crash while loading igs add-on

- fixed bug with wrong folder for decrypting files of addons
- added multiple profiles system

- negligible bugfixes

- DirectX is replaced by OpenGL+OpenAL
- added main menu
- added level editor
- added add-ons support
- "options" and "credits" are moved into main menu
- new format of save file
note: old version will crash trying to open new format;
the new version can open old and new formats both but
will save in the new format on the first launch

- the first version of the game