
Analyzer GIF


This action block picks boxes of a particular color and sends them through the left exit; the boxes of other colors go to the right. You can change the color by clicking on the block. (Those of you familiar with programming may notice that this block bears some resemblance to the conditional statement in programming languages.)

Reactor GIF


This action block takes two boxes and makes them into one. The color of the new box is defined as follows. If the two provided boxes are identical, the new box will be identical to them as well. If the provided boxes are of two different colors, the resulting box will have the third color.

For example, two red boxes yield a red one, while a red and a yellow boxes yield a blue.

Teleport GIF


These action blocks always come in pairs: the input (marked "IN") and the output (marked "OUT"). As the name suggests, boxes that enter the input are instantly teleported to the output.

Action blocks of this kind are always immovable.

Utilizer GIF


This block destroys anything that gets inside. It is handy when you have more boxes than you need.

Action blocks of this kind are always immovable.