
Exchanger GIF


This action block changes the color of boxes that are sent into it. A blue box turns into a red; a red one into a yellow, and a yellow into a blue:

  • blue → red
  • red → yellow
  • yellow → blue

Action blocks of this kind are always immovable.

Randomizer GIF


This block changes the color of incoming boxes at random. Or so it seems...

In fact, the resulting color only depends on the incoming color and the time (or, more precisely, the number of cycles) since the start of conveyors. So you can figure out the pattern if you really want. Also, it’s useful to know that the resulting color is never the same as the incoming one.

Action blocks of this kind are always immovable.

Black Box GIF

Black Box

These blocks are a real mystery. It’s up to you to discover the intricate details of their inner workings.

Action blocks of this kind are always immovable.